Exam Policy

  1. The student will be assessed continuously throughout the year through various internal assessment parameters or well defined Class/Periodical/Term Examinations
  2. If a child is absent for an examination, he/she will be marked absent and the marking will be considered as zero.
  3. Promotion of student from one class to another will be determined by the Promotion Committee according to the Promotion Rules on the basis of the internal as well as Class/Periodical/Term Assessments.
  4. The result declared at the end of the year is final and cannot be reconsidered.
  5. If a student fails for two years in succession in the same class, the school will automatically reserve the right to cancel the admission and the child forfeits his/her right to remain in school in order to maintain the academic standards of the school.
  6. Less than 75% attendance will mean detention from Final Examination.
  7. As per the CBSE directives and guidelines, a new remodelled assessment structure has been adopted as per NEP 2020.
  8. A student who uses unfair means during examination will be awarded a ‘zero’ in the subject. Repetition of the same will result in his/her expulsion from school.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle "